Solar installers installing panels on a roof.

Solar Panel Installation

There is a great deal to consider when it comes to home solar panel installation. This is not because the process is overly difficult from beginning to end. Rather, it’s because the installation process is unique to the factors surrounding the individual home.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of all the factors, and start to set some expectations about the residential solar panel installation process. 

Here is a high-level overview of the solar panel installation process, and some things to keep in mind if you are making the jump to sustainable energy for your home. 

Know Where You Stand

Solar panels and setups are not one-size-fits-all, and the installation process needs to reflect the specifics of your situation. This means everything from how much energy you currently consume to the type of climate where your home is located will help solar panel installers tailor their approach, making sure your needs are met from the get-go. 

For instance, is your roof structurally sound? The type of roof you have, and how much exposure it gets to the sun on a daily basis, will aid in informing what type of panels are required, or what sort of adjustments need to be made. 

If your roof is not suitable for panels, there are ground mount installations to consider. While certainly less common than a rooftop solar panel installation, it is important to remember there are additional types of solutions to meet your needs.

Additionally, it is important to know how old your home is, and whether any upgrades need to be made to the electrical panel prior to solar panel installation. These sorts of capabilities play a  role in deciding which type of panel you choose as well, since not all solar panels are the same.  

The standard, for example, is a photovoltaic panel, which boasts high efficiency and generates lots of electricity. They are well suited for the majority of rooftops. But there are other options that provide a bit more flexibility, such as thin film solar panels. These aren’t quite as efficient, but it comes down to ultimately what makes the most sense for your situation.

More importantly, you don’t have to navigate all of this information on your own. There are professionals that can handle all of these details, and help you establish expectations of what will be required before the solar panel installation process itself can begin. Only after all of these details are sorted, and the equipment has been ordered, will the process start.

Residential Solar Panel Installation

Solar panel installers are professionals who know the ins and outs of how solar panels and energy integration work. They will lay out a plan for you ahead of time so you know how the process is going to go from start to finish, and what you can expect along the way.

They will also provide you with an image that represents what the finished installation will look like. This can be helpful, setting the stage for what is to come. 

Typically, residential solar panel installations take only a few hours. This is largely due to the discovery work and planning done ahead of time. But as mentioned, each project is unique, and has its own set of variables to adhere to. 

That being said, there are some high-level steps involved in a typical residential solar panel installation:

  • Mounts are placed four feet apart and on rafters.
  • Mounts are secured by steel bolts, and the surrounding area should be sealed.
  • Solar panels are firmly fastened to the mount.
  • Solar panels are connected to the electrical supply.

While these steps are straightforward, they should be handled by professional solar panel installers. Only licensed professionals with knowledge and experience can get the job done right.

If you’re just getting into the idea of home solar panel installation, you might be curious about which residential solar panel installation company is right for you. Or you might ask yourself, “are there any home solar panel installers near me?”

Sun Source Energy works with a C-2 licensed electrical team of solar contractors, who see the job through from start to finish. These are the pros who have seen it all, and can make sure you have a home solar panel installation that is effortless and convenient for you. Additionally, all home solar panel installation work comes with a 10-year satisfactory warranty along with a 25-year parts warranty on electrical panels.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help you with a smooth, efficient, and effortless home solar panel installation.