
  • How Going Solar Can Transform Your Life as a Las Vegas Homeowner

    How Going Solar Can Transform Your Life as a Las Vegas Homeowner

    As rising energy costs and environmental concerns continue to be at the forefront of many people’s minds, more homeowners in Las Vegas are looking into transitioning to solar power. Solar energy is becoming increasingly popular due to its potential cost savings and environmental benefits, such as reducing carbon emissions and conserving energy resources. In addition,…

  • How Nevada is Struggling with Rising Electricity Rates

    How Nevada is Struggling with Rising Electricity Rates

    Nevada has recently seen a troubling surge in electricity rates, with the average residential customer paying nearly 15% more than they did just two years ago. This increase is putting additional strain on households already struggling to make ends meet, and it’s important that we understand why these hikes are occurring and what can be…

  • Are There Government Rebates for Solar Panels?

    Are There Government Rebates for Solar Panels?

    Reducing energy costs as well as your carbon footprint are the reasons why most homeowners make the jump to solar. Year after year, more homeowners are finding the benefits of installing solar panels on their homes. And these benefits are not limited to energy usage alone.  There are government rebates for solar system installations that…

  • Advantages of using Solar Edge Inverters

    Advantages of using Solar Edge Inverters

    Solar Edge inverters are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners looking to reduce their energy costs and go green. These systems offer a reliable source of energy while also providing environmental protection by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Solar Edge inverters have numerous features and benefits, such as the ability to generate electricity even in cloudy weather,…

  • Everything You Need To Know About Solar Panel Installation

    Everything You Need To Know About Solar Panel Installation

    Solar panels are quickly becoming a popular way for homeowners to harness renewable energy and reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. Solar panel installation is often seen as an intimidating process, but with the right guidance and knowledge, it can be done easily. In this article, we will provide readers with a comprehensive overview of…

  • Passive vs. Active Solar Energy: What’s the Difference?

    Passive vs. Active Solar Energy: What’s the Difference?

    As solar technology improves and more and more homeowners turn their sights to harnessing energy from the sun, many questions have arisen. These questions are good because they demonstrate an interest in generating electricity in a clean way, and an increased number of people finding the benefits of solar systems. One question making the rounds…

  • How Does the Solar Tax Credit Work?

    How Does the Solar Tax Credit Work?

    Did you know that there is a tax credit available for homeowners who install solar energy systems in their homes? This incentive, known as the Solar Tax Credit, offers a 30% tax credit for homeowners who make the switch to solar power. It’s a great way to reduce the cost of going solar, and it’s…

  • # Ways to Make Your Home Greener

    # Ways to Make Your Home Greener

    There are many ways to make your home more environmentally friendly. You can start by making small changes, such as using less water and electricity, recycling and composting, and buying eco-friendly products. You can also make bigger changes, such as installing solar panels or wind turbines. By making your home more green, you’ll be doing…

  • Are Solar Panel Prices Going up?

    Are Solar Panel Prices Going up?

    As the cost of solar panels goes up, more and more people are looking into installing them in their homes. While this may seem like a bad thing for consumers, it could actually mean good things for the industry as a whole. The Trump administration’s recent tariffs on imported solar panels have made them more…

  • What’s the Average Monthly Electric Bill with Solar Panels?

    What’s the Average Monthly Electric Bill with Solar Panels?

    Solar panels are a great way to save money on your monthly electric bill, and with the help of a solar panel contractor, you can have them installed in no time! Solar energy contractors can help you choose the right system for your home, and they’ll take care of all the installation work for you.…